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Claymont Elementary School

Principal: Heather Whipkey
320 Trenton Avenue
Uhrichsville, OH 44683
Phone: 740-922-5641


Student Drop off and Pick up Changes

Trenton Ave Construction 

 Tentative start date:  Apr 15, 2024

Phase 1: 

Parent Pickups (car riders): Parents must enter using S Romig St. Parents will then exit left onto Trenton Ave and use Trenton Ave to exit. Students will not be released through the parent pickup line unless they are in a car. 

Front door walkers. During construction parents will be unable to park across the street and walk across to get their students. If you are a parent who has been driving and picking up a walker please use the parent pickup car line. Please let the school know if your child will be a car rider. 

Information on Phase 2 will be coming home in the coming weeks. 

Please click the link below for a picture of the traffic pattern.

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Elementary Art Project

The attached project shared by Mrs. Miles is a collaborative art project made by first and second graders at our Elementary building. It brightens up our hallways, but it is particularly cool because it shows that we're all unique and special but TOGETHER we are a masterpiece.

First Day of School

Claymont Elementary will begin school on Monday, August 28th, 2023. We will have our open house on Wednesday, August 23 at 6pm. 

Dear Claymont Elementary School Students and Families, 

It is an honor to introduce myself as your new principal of Claymont Elementary School and to join this extraordinary school community. I previously served as a teacher, and in various leadership roles with Columbus City Schools. Throughout the years I have taught grades all grades 1-5, with the majority of my time spent teaching reading.  I have served as a district testing coordinator, building assessment leader, and in  other various leadership roles within the building. I am excited to begin next year as your principal. 

I am from the central Ohio region, and grew up in Newark, Ohio. I spent my entire educational journey as a student of Licking Valley Local Schools. I have so many fond memories of my early elementary years. I graduated from Ohio University with a Bachelor of Specialized Studies in Child & Family Development. I attended Mount Vernon Nazarene University where I graduated with a Masters in Elementary Education. I recently graduated from Western Governors University with a Masters in Educational Leadership. 

Next year will be a year of growth and change as we grow as a school community.  I am excited to partner with each of you, as we continue to make Claymont Elementary a place where we prepare every child for a lifetime of success. It is my vision that we help each student to discover a love for learning and reading. It is vital that we equip each of our students with the tools they need to become a Claymont graduate. We will focus this year on developing stronger reading skills, and learning about each of the traits of our Portrait of a Claymont Graduate. 

I want each of you to know that we can not achieve success with your student without YOU!  My goal is to make sure that Claymont Elementary is a school where we develop and create strong connections with our students and their families. It takes all of us working together to prepare future Claymont Mustangs for a lifetime of success. 

The first day of school this year will be on Monday, August 28th, 2023. Our elementary school students will have four additional days off this year while their teachers are in professional development. Please mark your calendars for the following dates; September 19th, November 28th, January 16th, as well as February 16th.

In closing, please know that my door is always open to you. I heartily welcome your conversation and positive input throughout this year. Feel free to send me an email, or call into the school. I look forward to partnering with each of you. 


Mr. Nicholas Wright 


Claymont Elementary School

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