PBIS is a framework that guides school teams in the selection, integration and implementation of evidence-based practices for improving academic, social and behavior outcomes for all students. The PBIS process emphasizes four integrated elements: data for decision making, evidence-based interventions and practices that support varying student needs, systems that efficiently and effectively support implementation of these practices, and continual progress monitoring to ensure outcomes are met.
Where did PBIS come from? PBIS language comes directly from the 1997 reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). PBIS is based on the principles of applied behavior analysis and the prevention approach and values of positive behavior support. Ohio Administrative Code - OAC 3301-35-15 [Effective 8/1/2013] Standards for the implementation of positive behavior intervention supports, and the use of restraint and seclusion. Implementation of positive behavior intervention and support. Each school district shall implement positive behavior intervention and support on a system-wide basis.
How is it designed to work?
- Prevent chronic behavioral challenges.
- Provide early intervention for children and youth displaying minor but repeated patterns of problem behavior.
- Provide proactive support to children and youth at-risk and those with emotional disturbances to allow them to successfully remain in the general education environments with the appropriate support.
- Provide instruction, practice and reinforcement for students regarding expected behaviors in the
- various school settings.
What does PBIS have to do with school discipline and classroom management?
Effective classroom management and preventive school discipline are essential for supporting teaching and learning. PBIS goes further by emphasizing that classroom management and preventive school discipline must be integrated and working together with effective academic instruction in a positive and safe school climate to maximize success for all students.
PBIS is not a curriculum or a one-day training. PBIS is a systems change process that requires on-going commitment in order to create effective systems for teaching and addressing behavior and social-emotional skills.
Families are important members of the school communities. When schools and families work together toward their common goal of helping all children to be successful, it is much more likely to happen. Families have valuable insights and information about how their children learn best and what types of environmental support are helpful to them.
Primary School
Care Matrix Primary
Claymont Primary begins the introduction to the Leader in Me habits by using the Leader in Me model along with our C.A.R.E matrix. Being that this is the first experience at school, we want each student to learn how to find their voice in the classroom. We do this through leadership roles by learning and applying life-ready leadership skills. We blend our PBIS & Leader in Me team together to create the best environment for each student. Some examples of this are:
- Daily reminders of Leader in Me habits on morning announcements.
- Weekly recognition with our Mighty Mustang tickets.
- Monthly Leadership Team Meetings
- Established a partnership with the Village Network to make sure our students have access to appropriate mental health services.
- Our school social worker does classroom lessons on our C.A.R.E. matrix.
At our building, we meet regularly in our Leadership Teams (academics, climate and culture) to drive even more work towards the 7 habits. We strive to lay the foundation of these habits for the students to build upon during the rest of their Claymont journey.
Elementary School
Claymont Elementary is working hard to create a positive and welcoming learning environment for each student. At the elementary level we utilize the Leader in Me model along with our C.A.R.E matrix. It is vital to us that each student feels safe and welcomed in our building. We blend our PBIS & Leader in Me team together to create the best environment for each student. Some examples of this are:
- Monthly recognition of our Outstanding students.
- Our school social worker does classroom lessons on our district's core values and characteristics of our Portrait of a Graduate.
- Established a partnership with the Village Network to make sure our students have access to appropriate mental health services.
- Our licensed social worker runs groups to help our students through various situations.
At our building we meet regularly as a staff to discuss the climate and culture of our building. We strive to be the best place for your students to succeed!
Intermediate School
The Claymont Intermediate PBIS model helps students have a good time at school. It teaches them how to behave and rewards them for being good. Claymont Intermediate uses data to determine which students need help and then gives them the help they need. The PBIS model has helped the school become a better place for all students.
Here are some specific examples of how the Claymont Intermediate PBIS model is used to create a positive student experience:
- The school has clear expectations that all students know about.
- The school rewards students for following the rules.
- The school helps students who are struggling to behave.
- The school works with parents to help students behave at home and at school.
The Claymont Intermediate PBIS model is a great way to help students have a good time at school and learn how to be good citizens.
Middle School
Claymont Middle School is proactive in teaching students positive behaviors through our PBIS program. PBIS is a research-based system that includes strategies for teaching, modeling, and reinforcing appropriate behaviors. We use the three-tiered system.
- Tier 1: Positive office referrals and building rewards (data is collected and our PBIS team uses it to determine where we can further help our students)
- Tier 2: Social/emotional groups
- Tier 3: Individual student plans to address behavior, attendance, and mental health
High School
Our PBIS program is designed to promote and reinforce positive behavior among our students, creating a supportive and inclusive school environment. We believe that by proactively addressing and recognizing positive behaviors, we can foster a safe and respectful atmosphere conducive to academic growth and personal development.
Our PBIS program is guided by a team of dedicated staff members who collaborate with students to create a positive and inclusive school culture. Regular data analysis and ongoing professional development contribute to the continuous improvement and effectiveness of our program.
Students can be given positive office referrals when they are meeting these expectations in the CARE matrix. A celebration is held at the end of each grading period to reward the students for following the CARE matrix. We also monthly recognize attendance winners, Students of the Month, a positive referral winner and a CARE winner who embodies all of the CARE matrix that month.