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Annual Notices

201 N. Third Street
Dennison, OH 44621
Phone: 740-922-5478

Annual Notices

Claymont City Schools is required by state and federal laws to provide notice annually regarding the following:

Anti-Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying Policy

Per Ohio Law, House Bill 276 requires all school districts to develop and adopt an Anti-Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying policy. In addition to the adoption and implementation of this policy, district administrators are required to provide semiannual summary reports of verified acts of harassment, intimidation and bullying. All incidents should be immediately reported to the Superintendent or Building Administrator.

AHERA Management Plan

In compliance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act passed by Congress in 1986, the Claymont City School District has an AHERA Management Plan on file in the principal’s office of each building and at the Administration Office located at 201 North Third Street Dennison, Ohio 44621. Anyone interested in viewing the plan can stop at one of these locations and ask to see a copy. Asbestos inspections are completed in the school buildings every six months and major re-evaluation is done every three years

FERPA - Records Access and Confidentiality

The “Family Education Rights and Privacy Act” (FERPA) requires districts to notify parents and 18 year old students that they have the right to inspect their records within forty-five (45) days of the school receiving the request. Claymont has always had the policy of permitting parents or adult students to view their records by simply making an appointment with the building principal. Picture identification verification is required prior to viewing requested records. This right is extended only to students and parents. Parents or students may ask the school to amend a record they believe to be incorrect.

Parent Right-to-Know (Every Student Succeeds Act - ESSA)

The ESSA (Public Law 114-95) passed by Congress requires the District to notify parents of students in Title I buildings that they may request information about the qualifications of their child’s teacher. Upon request, you may obtain information about your child’s teacher. At this time, all Claymont City School District teachers are properly certified for the subjects and/or grade levels in which they teach. However, there are occasions in certain teaching fields that a temporarily licensed teacher may need to be used. Parents will receive notification from the District if your child is in a Title I building, being served by a teacher that is not properly licensed.

School Improvement

In alignment with federal requirements and the Ohio’s Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) state plan, the state’s schools that struggle with large achievement gaps among student subgroups are identified as Focus Schools. Claymont City School District has three (3) buildings that are identified as a Focus school: Claymont High School, Claymont Middle School and Claymont Elementary School. As a response to these designations, the District is implementing the Ohio Improvement Process (OIP) organization structure to identify critical needs and select evidence-based strategies to be implemented to ensure continuous improvement.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

It is the policy of Claymont City Schools Board of Education to comply with all federal and state laws, requirements and regulations prohibiting discrimination with regards to Employment Practices (Title I), Public Services, Programs and Activities (Title II), and Public Facility Accommodations (Title III).

Section 504 Concerns and/or Complaints

Students, employees or residents with complaints or concerns under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 should contact Heather O’Connor, Director of Special Services, at 201 North Third Street, Dennison, Ohio 44621 or via phone @ (740) 922-5478.

Child Find

School districts throughout Ohio are mandated to identify, locate and evaluate all children with a disability from birth through age 21. Conditions such as autism, deafness/blindness, mental retardation, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment and other health impairments, emotional disturbance, specific learning disabilities, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, or hearing impairment may qualify for services. Because some parents may not be aware that programs and services are available, we are asking for your help. If you know of a child with a disability, please contact Heather O’Connor, Director of Special Services, at 201 North Third Street, Dennison, Ohio 44621 or via phone @ (740) 922-5478.

Title I/ IDEA-B Notification

The Claymont City School District receives notification of their entitlement of federal funds allocated in accordance with the Title I/Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Utilization of the funds is designated to provide services and programs for disabled students. Person(s) who wish to comment on how to utilize these designated funds are welcome and encouraged to contact Heather O’Connor, Director of Special Services, at 201 North Third St. Dennison, Ohio 44621 or via phone @ (740) 922-5478.

Title I Evaluation

Each Spring, parents and teachers evaluate the Title I program. Comments and input from both are used as plans are made for services the following school year. If your child is receiving services or you would like to provide input on the Title I program at your child’s school, please complete the survey that is available in Title I school offices or contact Jodie Miles, Assistant Superintendent, at 201 North Third Street Dennison, Ohio 44621 or via phone @ (740) 922-5478.

McKinney-Vento Act

It is the policy of Claymont City School District to enroll, educate and not segregate or stigmatize children on the basis of their status as homeless. Brandi Fox is the Claymont City School Homeless Liaison. She may be reached at (740) 922-5478. Any person suspecting a child is homeless should notify Mrs. Fox to ensure that homeless children enroll in school and have the opportunity to succeed academically

Non-Discrimination Policy

The Claymont City School District affirms that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex and /or disability be exculded from participation in, be denied the benefits or, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity conducted under its sponsorship. Inquiries concerning application of this policy may be referred to the Superintendent or designated coordinator. This policy shall prevail in all Board policies concerning school employees or students. Title VI complaints (sex, race, color, national origin, or disability) should be referred to the Superintendent’s Office at 201 North Third Street, Dennison, Ohio 44621 or via phone @ (740) 922-5478.

Title IX

It is the policy of Claymont City Schools Board of Education not to discriminate on the basis of sex in its education program or employment policy and procedures as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 19792. Any questions or inquiries regarding Title IX should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator, Mr. Brian Rentsch, Superintendent at 201 North Third Street Dennison, Ohio 44621 or via phone @ (740) 922-5478.

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

The District implements PBIS on a system-wide basis. The Board directs the Superintendent/designee to develop a PBIS system that is consistent with the components set forth in the State Board of Education’s (SBOE) policy on positive behavior interventions and supports. The PBIS framework is a system of prevention as a means to address inappropriate behavior by District students to greatly reduce, and in most cases eliminate the need to use restraint or seclusion techniques. The District Leadership Team has developed a set of behavioral expectations that will be taught and modeled for the students throughout the year. That Matrix of Expectations is linked below. Additionally, you will find the link to the District’s Restraint and Seclusion policy. Questions regarding the policy should be directed to the Office of the Superintendent, at 201 North Third Street, Dennison, Ohio 44621 or via phone @ (740) 922-5478.